Five Ways The GOP Race Could End
I should really stop writing horse race posts. Norm Ornstein’s got this.
Here are his five possibilities:
I should really stop writing horse race posts. Norm Ornstein’s got this.
Here are his five possibilities:
A gay British man found himself heartbroken for a second time after airport staff confiscated the ashes of his late husband that he was carrying, refusing him his rights as the lawful spouse of the deceased. Daily Mail reports: Marco Bulmer-Rizzi was trying to bring the remains of his husband David back to the UK from Australia, where he died after falling down stairs and cracking his skull at the end of their dream holiday, six months after the couple’s June wedding.
A UFO expert has spotted what he believes to be an enormous UFO ‘mothership’ whilst watching a live NSAS video feed from the International Space Station (ISS). Jadon Besson says he was watching the live stream with thousands of others when he noticed the large mysterious object in the background of the footage. reports: He said the UFO was similar to the Millennium Falcon, a spaceship made popular in the Star Wars films. Jadon grabbed a screen shot and has sent the image to NASA and is still awaiting a response and explanation.
The identity of a married celebrity couple currently embroiled in a extramarital threesome scandal has been blocked from being reported in the UK after a High Court judge granted an injunction barring British media outlets from naming the famous pair. The outdated and draconian privacy law have forced British readers to take to social media to find out couples identity, whilst the UK press have had to remain silent – much to their frustration. The well-known couple were first named in the U.S. as Sir Elton John and husband David Furnish.
An account of a UFO sighting in New York in 1861 was recently discovered. The Syracuse New Times reports: Around midnight in a Five Points slum house on Baxter Street in Manhattan, Mrs. T. Richard Kinder was looking eastward out of an upstairs window toward the Church of Transfiguration. In the clear moonless sky she saw a cross-like object with a flaming luminosity move across the sky. She woke her husband and he too saw the radiant cross. This story comes to us from an obscure entry into a Baptismal record from St. Peters Church in Jersey City, NJ.