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Biden To Spend $1.7 Billion For Healthcare...In Ukraine!

The Biden Administration has announced an additional $1.7 billion in aid to Ukraine to pay its healthcare sector. As the seemingly endless US money spigot to Ukraine seems to be left open, how long until Americans without healthcare begin to object? Also today: new CPI numbers are out...and they're devastating! Also: John Bolton casually admits plotting coups overseas while in government. Watch today's Liberty Report:

Operational Health Tech: A New Billion Dollar Market

The following content is sponsored by Bloom Health Partners

Operational Health Tech: A New Billion Dollar Market

Many lessons were learned throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but what has become most apparent is the need to invest in healthcare on all fronts. In fact in just a few short years, businesses, governments, and consumers have had to entirely reassess healthcare in ways not quite seen before.
