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Hundreds Of Violent Inauguration Rioters Indicted On Felony Charges

The crackdown on George Soros incited protests has begun, with over two hundred rioters indicted on felony charges after smashing up shops and injuring police in downtown Washington during violent protests during and after President Donald Trump’s inauguration. According to reports, 214 of the most violent rioters have been indicted so far, with hundreds more expected to be charged as law enforcement moves to punish the ringleaders, including celebrities who incited violence and chief organizer and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers – who just so happens to be a good friend of Barack Obama.

Trump Delays New Travel Ban To Next Week, No Reason Given Why

A White House official sai on Wednesday that Donald Trump is pushing back the release of his revised executive order on travel and refugees until next week. Trump had said that a revamped executive order, tailored to address legal issues that blocked his original travel ban, would be released this week.  No explanation was given for the delay, and it remains unclear how the White House will tweak the travel ban to prevent future legal challenges.

Homicides In These 4 Cities Are Spiking To The Highest Levels In 20 Years

Homicides In These 4 Cities Are Spiking To The Highest Levels In 20 Years

Over the past year we've frequently written about the alarming homicide rates in Chicago (see "Chicago Violence Worst In 20 Years: 'Not Seen This Level Of Disrespect For Police Ever'").  But, the Wall Street Journal recently conducted an analysis of homicide data since 1985, for the 35 largest cities in the United States, and found that Chicago isn't the only place where violent crime is surging.  As it turns out, murder rates are also spiking in Baltimore, Milwaukee and Memphis, all of which have in the past two years approached or exceeded the records set a quarter-century ago, wh

McCann’s Fight Claims That They Faked Their Daughter’s Abduction

Madeleine McCann’s parents have launched a fresh legal battle over police claims that they faked their daughter’s abduction. Kate and Gerry McCann launched the legal battle to overturn a Portuguese court ruling that failed to clear them of involvement in the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine. The legal battle is expected to wipe hundreds of thousands from a search fund. Their lawyer confirmed they would be using money from the “Find Madeleine” fund in a bid to overturn the ruling, and challenge claims by former police chief Goncalo Amaral.

New DHS Memos Reveal That Almost Anyone Living In The US Illegally Is Now Subject To Deportation

The Department of Homeland Security released on Tuesday documents translating President Trump’s executive orders on immigration and border security into policy, providing details on how it will prosecute undocumented immigrants and criminal immigrants, repealing nearly all of the Obama administration's guidances, and bringing a major shift in the way the agency enforces the nation’s immigration laws.
