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Obama Administration Begs Court Not To Depose Hillary Clinton

The Obama administration have pleaded with a court to prevent former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from being deposed in a case connected to her use of a private email server.  The Justice Department filed a court motion saying they opposed efforts by legal counsel representing legal watchdog Judicial Watch in trying to force Clinton to testify. The feds say that the organisation are trying to “dramatically expand the scope of the lawsuit”.

Monsanto Loses Lawsuit, Pays $46 Million To Poisoned Victims

Monsanto have been found guilty of gross negligence by selling poisonous PCBs to members of the public, some of whom died as a result.  The agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology giant has been forced to pay a total of $46 million in damages to plaintiffs in the case. A St. Louis jury voted 10-2 in finding Monsanto, Pfizer, Solutia, and Pharmacia guilty in the selling of polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, after the compound had been banned.

Obama Steps In To Defend Hillary: DOJ Fights To Block Clinton Deposition

Obama Steps In To Defend Hillary: DOJ Fights To Block Clinton Deposition

If there was any doubt, or suspense on which side of the Hillary email scandal the "impartial" Department of Justice stands, the suspense was lifted and all was revealed yesterday when as The Hill reported, the Obama administration stepped into the ongoing Judicial Watch lawsuit and is fighting to prevent former SecState Hillary Clinton from being deposed.
