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Anti Radical Islam Student Hacked To Death In Bangladesh

A 28-year-old student activist was hacked and shot to death by three motorcycle-riding assailants in Bangladesh’s capital, according to police. The attackers believed to be radical Islamists pounced on the secular blogger as he walked with a friend along the streets of Dhaka. Mail Online reports: The killing on Wednesday night follows a string of similar attacks last year, when at least five secular bloggers and publishers were killed, allegedly by radical Islamists.

Brussels Bomber Worked In EU Parliament

One of the Brussels bombers who killed 32 people on March 22 had previously worked within the European Parliament six years earlier, an EU assembly spokesperson has confirmed.  25-year-old Najim Laachraoui worked as a cleaner in Parliament in 2009 and 2010, just a few years before helping suicide bombers in the Paris attacks last November and then blowing himself up at the Brussels airport attack a few months later. Curiously, Najim Laachraoui had also taken a selfie with German Chancellor Angela Merkel shortly before the terrorist attacks.

FBI Caught Creating Fake College To Entrap Criminals

The FBI have admitted that they created an entirely fake University in order to lure criminals who intended to obtain student or work visas illegally.  The University of Northern New Jersey was set-up 2½ years years ago by federal authorities who used it to arrest 21 people on charges of conspiring to help 1,000 foreigners obtain illegal visas. reports: The defendants whose arrests were announced Tuesday knew the school was bogus, as did the foreigners, who pretended to be students there in order to stay in the U.S., authorities said.

Russian Intelligence: CIA is a Branch of Wall Street

A Wall Street worker currently on trial on suspicion of spying for Russia says that the CIA and other spy agencies in the U.S. routinely work through Wall Street in order to collect various pieces of economic information against other countries.  Eugene Buryakov, a former employee of Vnesheconombank, worked for Russian intelligence undercover at the bank and has not denied his guilt. Fort Russ reports: Usually our spies never admitted guilt, this is something different. As far as I understand our authorities continue to deny as they always do.

Mormons Warn The Apocalypse Is Coming This Wednesday

A Mormon cult from southern Utah believe that this Wednesday, April 6th is the day of the Apocalypse.  Coincidentally it’s also the day that their leader, Lyle Jeffs, appears before a judge in a major fraud case. As he appears before the judge an earthquake will cause the walls of a Texas prison to crumble and Lyle’s brother, Warren Jeffs (a Mormon ‘Prophet’ and supreme leader) will walk free. This is despite the fact that Jeffs is currently serving a life sentence for having sex with underage girls as young as 12.
