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Half Of Detroit's Mayoral Candidates Are Felons

Half Of Detroit's Mayoral Candidates Are Felons

Will voters in one of the most crime-ridden cities in the country be able to stomach voting for a convicted felon? Residents of Detroit are about to find out. Half of the candidates running in next Tuesday’s mayoral primary – the first since the city emerged from Bankruptcy protection in 2014 - have felony convictions on their records, according to an analysis of criminal records by the Detroit News.

This New Piece Of Legislation Could Demolish State Gun Control Laws Across The Country

This New Piece Of Legislation Could Demolish State Gun Control Laws Across The Country

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Over the past century there has been one undeniable trend working against gun rights. Put simply, as time goes on, it’s harder for a law abiding citizen to own and use a firearm, largely due to the proliferation of state and federal gun laws. A hundred years ago, one could own pretty much any firearm without restriction, and buy a firearm without even a background check (though of course one argue could that a few of these laws are a good idea). Now it’s a heavily regulated industry.

Special Counsel Mueller Adds Another Obama Ally To His Team

With each passing day, it's looking increasingly like the only people qualified to serve on Special Counsel Mueller's investigative team are lawyers who have either directly worked for and/or contributed to the campaigns of Barack Obama and/or Hillary Clinton.  As Reuters points out today, Mueller's latest hire is Greg Andres, a former DOJ attorney who was appointed during the Obama administartion and served under Attorney General Eric Holder.
