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"All We Want Is Respect" - NYC's Strippers Are Going On Strike

Wealthy Wall Street finance types are going to need to find a new way to entertain their wealthy asset-management clients - at least for the time being - because the strippers are going on strike.

The source of the dispute is a simmering dispute between New York City dancers and a growing cohort of Instagram-famous “startenders” who wear outfits that are almost as revealing as the strippers' outfits, but also promote the club on social media - bringing in a loyal following of customers - while also serving drinks.

How Many Hours Americans Need To Work To Pay Their Mortgage

How Many Hours Americans Need To Work To Pay Their Mortgage

When it comes to the cost of living in cities, a general rule of thumb is that housing prices are much higher in the country’s economic and population hubs, especially in the cities along the coasts.

As Visual Capitalist's Jeff Desjardins notes, particularly in recent years, prices have been pushed sky-high in places like New York City or San Francisco through a combination of limited supply of new homes, increasing demand, shifting demographics, and government regulations.


Look Out, New Yorkers: GM To Begin Testing Driverless Cars In The Big Apple

Look Out, New Yorkers: GM To Begin Testing Driverless Cars In The Big Apple

If you happen to see a driverless car trundling down Fifth Avenue, don’t panic.   

Compounding the misery that Elon Musk is likely feeling right now, General Motors has scored yet another victory in its quest to build the first commercially viable self-driving car.  New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday granted GM’s Cruise Automation division permission to begin testing fully autonomous vehicles on New York City roads – meaning GM will become the first automaker to begin testing autonomous cars in the northeast.
