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Dear Homeowner, What Exactly Do You "Own"?

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

If we understand property taxes as a "lease from the local government for the right to gamble on another housing bubble arising," we see "ownership" in a different light.

We're constantly told ours is an ownership society in which owning a home is the foundation of household wealth. The concept of ownership may appear straightforward, but consider these questions:

Texas Secession Looms As "Independence Resolution" Nears Vote

Texas Secession Looms As "Independence Resolution" Nears Vote

Authored by Josh Harkinson, originally posted at,

If the nationalists get their way, this November might be the last time Texans vote for a US president.


On Wednesday, the Platform Committee of the Texas Republican Party voted to put a Texas independence resolution up for a vote at this week's GOP convention, according to a press release from the pro-secession Texas Nationalist Movement. The resolution calls for allowing voters to decide whether the Lone Star State should become an independent nation.
