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Clinton Foundation On The Brink Of Collapse

The Clinton Foundation is teetering on the brink of collapse with staff being laid off amid donations completely drying up. The layoffs come as big donors to the Foundation angrily withdrew their financial support upon realising that their money was wasted. reports: In the run-up to the 2016 Presidential election of the United States, the foundation came under close public scrutiny when the anti-secrecy media outlet, WikiLeaks started publishing secrets of the organization.

Exposing The Left's War Against Ordinary Americans

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The Saker is a level-headed person. I take it seriously when he spells out the threat to Trump’s presidency presented by the paradoxical alliance of the ruling oligarchs with what purports to be the “liberal/progressive/left.”

It is amazing that the “liberal/progressive/left” are aligned with war and not with peace and are aligned with the OnePercent against the working class, whom they despise as “Trump deplorables.”

World Leaders "Stunned" By Trump's Bluntness

World Leaders "Stunned" By Trump's Bluntness

As President Trump drops tape (and tweet) bombs left, right, and center; often saying exactly what he is thinking, it appears the world's leaders (and establishmentarians) are "shocked" at his inconvenient truthiness. As Tim Bale, politics professor at Queen Mary University of London, said, reflecting on Brexit concerns,

"...our reliance on the United States, in normal times, wouldn’t worry too many people... But Donald Trump doesn’t seem to be a normal president."

Which seemed to sum things up nicely.

400,000 Fewer Americans Enrolled In Obamacare For 2017

400,000 Fewer Americans Enrolled In Obamacare For 2017

Despite The Democrats decrying the Trump administration for its efforts to repeal and replace President Obama's Affordable Care Act, it seems around 400,000 fewer Americans decided for themselves that Obamacare wasn't for them in 2017.

As Axios reports, Obamacare enrollment for this year appears to have ended slightly down from last year, according to enrollment numbers released this afternoon by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
