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Fort Lauderdale Gunman Was Recruited By CIA To Join ISIS

Fort Lauderdale gunman Esteban Santiago has revealed that the CIA had recruited him prior to the attacks and urged him to join ISIS.  The 26-year-old veteran also claims the CIA made him hear voices in order to attempt to control his mind – all part of a bigger plot to force him to join the terror organisation. reports: A law enforcement official says he told the FBI that the government was controlling his mind and was forcing him to watch ISIS videos. Santiago appeared incoherent at times, a source told ABC News.

WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Earned $100k From ISIS

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has revealed that Hillary Clinton profited a stunning $100k directly from ISIS militants in Syria.  According to Assange, the former Secretary of State earned the money when she was director of a company tasked with arming militants in the Middle East. reports: In an interview with Democracy Now, Assange claimed that along with the office of the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was also the director of the French company Lafarge, which was handling the US’s secret mission in Syria that aimed to topple the government of President Assad.

Obama Caught Building 10 Foot Wall Around New House

Who said Democrats aren’t learning from their mistakes in the election? Outgoing President Obama is taking at least one cue from Donald Trump — he’s building a big, beautiful wall. Obama granted himself secret service protection for life in 2011 and now he also has a wall to stop terrorists, drug cartels, insurgents, or suicide bombers lurking on the other side. According to spy photos from TMZ, workers are currently building the brick wall around the rental home where the Obamas plan to live after leaving the White House.

Steven Mnuchin Donated To One Democrat In 2016 – The Woman Who Declined To Prosecute His Bank

Steven Mnuchin Donated To One Democrat In 2016 – The Woman Who Declined To Prosecute His Bank

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Wednesday’s post, Donald Trump Has an Enormous and Very Dangerous Wall Street Blind Spot, highlighted the fact that the bank run by Trump’s Treasury Secretary nominee, Steven Mnuchin, was given a pass by California attorney general Kamala Harris, despite the discovery of over a thousand legal violations. Kamala Harris has since been (s)elected to the U.S. Senate.

Let’s recap some of what we learned:

Russians Mock, Ridicule Charge They Helped Trump Win

Russians Mock, Ridicule Charge They Helped Trump Win

If the US "intelligence services" were worried about Russian trolls, a phrase appearing 6 times in the joint report which concluded - without presenting any evidence - that Russia’s "undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrated Secretary Clinton, and harmed her electability and potential presidency" and that the "Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump", it may have an entire nation of trolls at its hands now.
