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Reddit Bans #Pizzagate As Washington Pedophile Ring Uncovered

Reddit has banned all discussion surrounding a huge Washington pedophile ring that implicates the Clinton’s and other prominent political figures.  The discussion, dubbed “#Pizzagate,” relates to a series of Podesta emails released by WikiLeaks in which top government officials have been caught using a secret code of words relating to foods, such as “pizza” and “hot dogs”, which internet sleuths have linked to a huge political pedophile ring.

Merkel Promises To Rid Internet Of Alternative Media

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has declared war on alternative media outlets that she says are responsible for subverting the government’s control over the public.  Merkel joined the chorus of other world leaders and huge multi-national media outlets who wish to rid the internet of alternative media websites, under the guise of “fighting fake news“. Speaking in parliament, Merkel claimed that public opinion was being swayed away from establishment politics, claiming that independent news outlets posed a danger to national security.

European MPs Vote To Block Turkey From Joining EU

Turkish leaders are ‘furious’ after European MPs voted to block Turkey from joining the EU after President Erdogan’s tyrannical crackdown on dissidents.  The European Parliament voted to suspend Turkey’s EU membership bid after Erdogan began rounding up anti-government citizens following the failed attempted coup in July. Erdogan has dismissed the non-binding vote as “worthless” and accused the EU of supporting terrorists in response to their vote. BBC News reports: Turkey’s EU accession talks began in 2005, but only one of the 35 policy areas – called “chapters” – has been closed.

Top British Doctor Predicts Trump Will Suffer Heart Attack

A top British doctor has predicted that Donald Trump will suffer a potentially fatal heart attack when he enters the White House.  Cardiologist Dr Patrick Heck says that Trump’s recent gruelling schedule along with the impending presidency could push him over the edge in the coming months. According to Dr Heck, Donald Trump’s medical records show that the President-Elect is at “significant risk” of suffering a heart attack. reports: Speaking at a medical conference, Dr Heck, said: “I was quite surprised at the content of the doctor’s report from Donald Trump’s physician.
