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Russia Adds Hillary Clinton To Terror Watchlist

Russia have announced that they have added former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to its terror watchlist, after the Federal Security Service (FSB) discovered that one of the Clinton campaign’s top monetary contributors is a suspected ISI agent who funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to terrorist groups in the Middle East.  Hillary Clinton’s addition to the terrorist sponsor watchlist makes her the highest ranking US official to be put on the list.

China Sends Military To Defend Islands In South China Sea

China has announced that their military is fully prepared to defend the islands in the South China Sea, having conducted several successful test flights at a newly-built airfield in the area.  China’s Navy chief, Wu Shengli, said that China is confident that it is capable of defending the sovereignty and security of the islands against outside threats.

NATO, USA Intimidated By Russia’s Military, Claims Expert

Military expert Igor Korotchenko has said that Russia’s successful campaign against ISIS in the Middle East has surprised and intimidated both NATO and the United States.  In an interview with Sputnik, the editor of National Defense Magazine told them what the game-plan in Syria is all about. “This is a matter of our commitments. Syria has been our historical ally, and Russia could not leave Syria to the mercy of fate. But again, the main motives of our president was the destruction of our potential internal and external enemies,” he told Sputnik.

Is The Spectre Of Trump Haunting Davos?

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

The lights are burning late in Davos tonight.

At the World Economic Forum, keynoter Joe Biden warned global elites that the unraveling of the middle class in America and Europe has provided “fertile terrain for reactionary politicians, demagogues peddling xenophobia, anti-immigration, nationalist, isolationist views.”

Evidence of a nationalist backlash, said Biden, may be seen in the third parties arising across Europe, and in the U.S. primaries.
