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Seeing ‘Evil’ Everywhere

Today’s American politics sees demons everywhere – from “evil” foreign leaders to excessive fears about “terrorism” – while more mundane threats like crumbling roads, loss of good-paying jobs and inadequate health care get short-shrift, misplaced priorities addressed by ex-CIA official Graham E. Fuller. By Graham E. Fuller It is depressing to witness the ongoing vitriolic…

In Case You Missed…

Some of our special stories in November focused on the realities behind the Syrian crisis, Turkey’s dangerous provocations toward Russia, the many failings of the mainstream U.S. media, and disclosures about Ukraine Finance Minister’s self-enrichment at U.S. taxpayers’ expense. “Syria at a Crossroads” by Nicolas J S Davies, Nov. 1, 2015 “Rubio Follows the Big…

Spain May Need Second Election After Anti-Austerity Party Scores Big At Ballot Box

“Today sees the start of a new political era,” Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias told supporters gathered in Madrid after Sunday’s largely inconclusive elections in Spain. “The forces of change are making a historic advance.” 

Iglesias is certainly correct that things have changed. Spain’s three-decade old political duopoly was toppled over the weekend with PP and PSOE garnering their lowest combined share of the vote since the eighties. 
