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Facebook's Sandberg: "We Really Have To Go After Fake Accounts, But Divisiveness Not A Reason To Remove Content"

Facebook's Sandberg: "We Really Have To Go After Fake Accounts, But Divisiveness Not A Reason To Remove Content"

As Facebook COO Sherly Sandberg completes her desperate DC walk of shame in an attempt to appease Mark Warner and the rest of the Facebook-scapegoaters, she gave Axios an interview to explain (strawman) what the biggest social media platform in the world will do about the Russian menace that has Made America Divided Again (allegedly)...

Sandberg said she had "very productive" meetings yesterday with congressional leaders investigating Russian efforts to use social media to meddle with the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

House Intelligence Committee Subpoenas Firm Behind "Trump Dossier"

House Intelligence Committee Subpoenas Firm Behind "Trump Dossier"

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has been repeatedly stymied in his efforts to compel the FBI to turn over documents that would help him ascertain how much of the Trump dossier has been verified by the intelligence community, and what role that information played in launching the DOJ’s investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.  

Minsky, Myopia, & Why The S&P 500 Is A Bloated Corpse

Minsky, Myopia, & Why The S&P 500 Is A Bloated Corpse

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

According to Hyman Minsky, economic stability is not only inevitably followed by instability, it inevitably creates it. Complacent humans being what they are. If he’s right, and would anyone dare doubt it, we’re in for that mushroom cloud on the financial horizon. We know that because market volatility, as measured for instance by the VIX, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)’s volatility index, is scraping the depths of the Mariana trench.

America's Urban War Zone: Baltimore Doubles Chicago's Homicide Rate In 2017

America's Urban War Zone: Baltimore Doubles Chicago's Homicide Rate In 2017


Back in June, President Trump used Twitter to officially announce America’s urban crisis.

He hit the ground running calling out the death and destruction in Chicago.

Trump made it clear that he was “sending in Federal help” to contain the dying city.
