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Trump And Russia: Just Pointing Out The Obvious

Trump And Russia: Just Pointing Out The Obvious

By Chris at

Chairman Trump may well be a child in a man's body - erratic, lacking in finesse, as articulate as a gangsta rapper, contradictory, and missing the cognitive functions allowing one to think before acting. But.. But... he does seem smart enough to have thought a little about Russia. Thought alone is a welcome surprise from Washington.

The establishment for their part are fuming!

Darrell Issa Demands Special Prosecutor Probe Trump-Russia Connections

Darrell Issa Demands Special Prosecutor Probe Trump-Russia Connections

Republican congressman Darrell Issa - who Trump called "a very good man" during the campaign - called Friday for a special prosecutor to oversee the investigation into Trump associates' contacts with Russia.

Three months ago, then Donald Trump tweeted...

We suspect he has a different opinion today.

Russia To Veto UN Resolution On Syria Over Chemical Weapons

Russia has vowed to veto a draft U.N. resolution calling for sanctions against Syria over its alleged use of chemical weapons on civilians. The UN Security Council resolution was drafted by the US, Britain and France. Following a closed-door council session, Russian Deputy U.N. Envoy Vladimir Safronkov told reporters: “I just explained our position very clearly to our partners.

FBI: Trump-Russia Stories Are “Bullshit”

The FBI has announced that claims suggesting Donald Trump was in contact with Russian officials before the election are “complete bullshit.” Following reports that White House Chief-of-staff Reince Priebus asked the FBI to dispute allegations of Russian interferance, senior administration officials insist that the FBI came to Priebus to express their contempt for the Trump-Russia allegations, which appear to have been invented by the Democrats.
