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Video: ADHD -The Drugging Of Our Children

A recent study published in the Journal of Paediatrics suggested that many children are being needlessly prescribed drugs to combat ADHD, when in fact they are just immature. Dangerous psychotropic drugs like Ritalin are widely used to treat children that are frequently misdiagnosed, yet it has been revealed that these drugs are not only ineffective but they also cause the child to suffer even further health problems. There are so many other problems that can look like ADHD, but far too often there is a rush to get a diagnose which prevents the exclusion of other possible causes.

What Cruz vs. Trump Means

Donald Trump will go to the Republican convention in Cleveland with more delegates than anyone else. But it’s still possible he won’t have an outright majority. The mechanics of a contested convention have been covered at length in TAC and elsewhere. But what about the politics—who actually emerges as the Republican nominee?

Roger Waters Urges Bernie Not To Speak At AIPAC Conference

Thousands have signed a petition urging Bernie Sanders to refuse an invitation from AIPAC to speak at its upcoming policy conference in Washington, DC. The right-wing American Israel Public Affairs Committee invited all the presidential candidates to speak at the conference which is due to start on March 20th. Hillary Clinton was the first to confirm and Donald Trump followed closely behind her. Roger Waters, the Pink Floyd co-founder and bassist is among the 4,000 who have signed petition.

Researchers Say Ritalin A Dangerous ADHD Treatment

A children’s research organisation has said that the use of drugs such as Ritalin to treat children who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has no long-term health benefits.  The Murdoch Children’s Research Institute say that early research shows that Ritalin is ineffective at helping children academically and mentally as they get older. They followed 178 children suffering from ADHD and 212 children without ADHD for three years to identify what factors effect the development of children suffering with the disorder.
