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Gov Officials Admit Turkey Has REPEATEDLY Carried Out False Flag Terror

Terror attacks have repeatedly rocked Turkey over the last year.

The government has blamed ISIS and Kurds for the attacks ... and is about to use this "justification" to launch troops into Syria.

But there is an alternative explanation.  Specifically, government officials have admitted that Turkey has repeatedly carried out false flag attacks.

For example:

ISIS Stops Handing Out Snickers Bars, Gatorade As Cash Crunch Deepens

ISIS Stops Handing Out Snickers Bars, Gatorade As Cash Crunch Deepens

Late last month, we reported that ISIS has cut its fighters’ salaries in half due to “exceptional circumstances the caliphate is facing.”

Those “exceptional circumstances” include Russia’s unrelenting aerial campaign against the group’s illicit oil trafficking business in Syria. The US-led “coalition” likes to take credit for helping to cripple the oil trade, but in reality it was Vladimir Putin (and Zero Hedge) that put the issue in the spotlight in November.

"Bigger Than Watergate" - Hillary Clinton And The Syrian Bloodbath

While we would be the first to admit that we disagree with Jeffrey Sachs on virtually every other issue, on the topic of Hillary Clinton, the ongoing Syria bloodbath which has come to define the geopolitical situation for the past 3 years, and how this is an event that would  "surely rival Watergate in shaking the foundations of the US establishment" if the truth were fully known, we agree 100 percent. 

Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath, by Jeffrey Sachs, originally posted on HuffPo

How Far Will The U.S. Go If Turkey Invades Syria?

Submitted by Gregory Copley via,

The Government of Turkey has now put itself in a position whereby it must act rapidly and precipitously to avoid moving to an ultimately losing strategic position in the war against Syria, which could result in being forced back to fight a full-scale civil war to prevent the break-up of the State into at least two components, one being a new Kurdish state.

"Highly Dangerous" Radioactive Material Stolen In Iraq, "Could Be Used For ISIS Dirty Bomb"

Just when it seemed that the Syria's proxy war would remain confined within the "comfortable" realm of conventional weaponry, moments ago Reuters gave the first hint of a potential, and radioactive escalation, when it reported that Iraq is searching for "highly dangerous" radioactive material stolen last year, according to an environment ministry document and seven security, environmental and provincial officials.
