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Syria Says Bombed Hospital Was A French Intelligence Network

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is a front for French intelligence, according to Syria’s representative to the UN. Bashar al-Jaafari defended Assad and Russia from accusations that they had bombed the hospital in northern Syria. On Monday a hospital in Muratt al Numan run by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) was destroyed by missiles. reports: The MSF hospital in the north-western, rebel-held province of Idlib was bombed twice with two missiles each time on Monday morning.

Turkey Itching To Find Any Excuse To Invade Syria

The recent Ankara bombing could have been a false flag operation by Turkey to justify moving into Syria. The latest attack in the heart of the capital and near government and military buildings has been blamed on Syrian Kurds, giving Turkey justification to pursue its campaign of securing territories in Syria, with help from CIA/Turkey/Saudi sponsored terrorists. Russia Insider reports: Ankara Bombing: A False Flag to Justify Erdogan’s Invasion of Syria?

Russia Warns Turkey To Stay Clear Of Syria

Russia says it can attack Turkish troops if they enter Syria, and it would not necessarily lead to a confrontation with NATO. Tea Party reports: Since the weekend, Turkey has unleashed its 155-millimeter heavy guns across the border with Syria. The targets are Kurdish forces, whose recent advance is a key part of the Russian plan to extend President Bashar al-Assad’s control over Syria. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday refused to stop the shelling and said Turkey was acting in self-defense.

Turkey Says Ground Troops Are The Only Solution To Syria Conflict

Turkey says that the only way to stop the war in Syria is to deploy ground troops in the Arab country’s northern regions. On Tuesday a Turkish official called on the United States and its allies to take part in a joint ground operation in Syria, saying it would be impossible to stop the war without a greater effort against a Moscow-backed Syrian government offensive. Press TV reports: A Turkish official told reporters in Istanbul on Tuesday that the only possible solution to the conflict in Syria is ground operations, but Turkey would not carry out such an operation on its own.
