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Facebook Vows To Suppress Alternative Media

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft have officially partnered with the European Commission in order to crack down on free speech by banning “alternative media” from their platforms. The European Commission announced their partnership with Facebook and other social media giants on Tuesday, saying they have ordered these internet giants to completely eliminate “hate speech” and “counter-narratives” from the internet.

Top Professor Claims Facebook Is Listening To People’s Phones

A top university professor claims that Facebook are listening in on people’s private conversations all the time. According to the professor, the Facebook app might be using a person’s phone to gather data on what they are talking about without the person realising it. Professor Kelli Burns from the University of South Florida has drawn attention to a feature that Facebook say has been around for a couple of years.

Housekeeping Note On Site Redesign

As readers may have noticed, there have been some cosmetic changes to the layout of the website.

First and foremost, we responded to readers' repeated requests and have finally added a mobile version of the website.

Second, we have revised the desktop version of the site in a move we hope will make the site faster, as well as more resilient to heavy traffic outages.

We have also changed the formatting of the comment section to be able to accommodate more indented comments as well as added a "reply-to" functionality within the comments.
