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Samsung Holds A Patent On Smart Contact Lenses With Built In Camera

Samsung has been granted a patent for smart contact lenses with built-in cameras that can project images directly into your eyes. According to a Samsung-focused tech blog called SamMobile, the patent application was filed in South Korea back in 2014. The patent includes a contact lens equipped with a display, a camera, an antenna, and several sensors that detect movement. The contact lens uses the antenna to link up to a smartphone, which processes the image sent into the eyes.   Mashable reports: A built-in camera and sensors are controlled by blinking.

Nigeria - The Electricity Grid Exemplifies an Underachieving Nation (Video)

Nigeria - The Electricity Grid Exemplifies an Underachieving Nation (Video)

By EconMatters


We look at the Electricity Grid in Nigeria and contrast with India`s economic resurgence - illustrating potential growth opportunity for increasing productivity in Nigeria.

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DARPA Unveils ‘Sea Hunter’: US Navy’s 130-Foot Anti-Submarine Drone

The US military have christened a drone warship that can operate autonomously hunting for submarines and mines at sea “Sea Hunter” is a major advance in robotic warfare designed to cruise the ocean’s surface for two or three months at a time – without a crew or anyone controlling it remotely. The Washington Post reports: Senior defense officials christened Thursday a 130-foot unmanned trimaran in Portland, Ore.

NASA Admit To Spraying Americans With Poisonous Chemtrails

NASA have admitted to spraying lethal chemtrails into our atmosphere – saying that lithium being sprayed into the Earths ionosphere helps to treat people with manic depression or bi-polar disorder.  NASA personnel have come forward saying that lithium, along with other potentially harmful chemicals, are intentionally sprayed into our environment regularly.

Has Google Earth Accidentally Shown An Egyptian UFO Base?

An image of a strange V-shaped structure near Cairo, Egypt that can be seen on Google Earth is causing a debate online within the UFO community. While many think it may be a weird military base, others believe it might be a landing strip used by alien UFO’s. From a GeoBeats News report: UFO conspiracy theorists have been busy speculating about a mysterious landmark near Cairo that is visible on Google Earth. Based on the overhead image, the desert complex appears to consist mostly of a large V-shaped structure with six circular formations placed around it.
