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The Bearish Case Against Oil Gets... Bearier...

The Bearish Case Against Oil Gets... Bearier...

My 15 year old son and I went to the NY Hedge Fund Roundtable event on the energy sector at the Penn Club last week. It's good to have your children see you perform. The discussion surrounded the price of oil, LNG and the impact Elon Musk is having on the oil industry.

Stephen Schork of the Schork report was the standout personality of the panel (buyside vs sellside panelists) basically echoing what yours truly has been telling you.

Billion Dollar Baby Bye Bye - Regulators Seek To Ban Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes

Billion Dollar Baby Bye Bye - Regulators Seek To Ban Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes

It seems billion dollar baby of Silcon Valley, Elizabeth Holmes, is facing yet another unicorn-slaying moment as the fairy-take ending for Stanford drop-out looks increasingly distant after WSJ reports regulators are seeking ban the so-called "billionaire" from the blood-tsting business for two years after U.S. health inspectors have found serious deficiencies at Theranos Inc.’s laboratory in Northern California.

As The Wall Street Journal reports,

President Killary — Paul Craig Roberts

President Killary
Would The World Survive President Hillary?

Paul Craig Roberts

This is an English translation of an article that I wrote for the German magazine, Compact. I was encouraged by the high level of intelligent discourse that Compact brings to its readers. If only the US had more people capable of reaching beyond entertainment to comprehending the forces that affect them, there might be some hope for America.
