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Twitter Told Congress This Random American Is A Russian Propaganda Troll

Twitter Told Congress This Random American Is A Russian Propaganda Troll

Update: Twitter has re-activated Delaware's account. The company declined to comment about why it reinstated the account and about whether it would amend the list it sent to Congress.

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Authored by Louise Matsakis via,

Robert Delaware is now part of the Congressional record, despite having no apparent ties to Russia...

Trump Says Japan Will Shoot North Korean Missiles "Out Of The Sky" After Lockheed Deal

Trump Says Japan Will Shoot North Korean Missiles "Out Of The Sky" After Lockheed Deal

President Donald Trump’s 12-day Asia tour kicked off in Japan last night, where discussions between Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe were punctuated by the deadly mass shooting that claimed 26 lives in a small-town Texas church. But not before Trump could engage in some customary saber-rattling aimed at his favorite verbal sparring partner, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Iran and 9/11: Down the Rabbit Hole of Blame

Preface: Given the new attempt to use documents (cough fake?) linking Iran and 9/11, this piece is timely indeed ...

Background here.

By Kristen Breitweiser, one of the four 9/11 widows – known as the “Jersey Girls” – instrumental in forcing the government to form the 9/11 Commission to investigate the 2001 attacks. Follow Kristen Breitweiser on Twitter:
