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How To Invest In The New World Order

How To Invest In The New World Order

Submitted by Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk via,

In our latest Toward a New World Order, Part III we ended by promising to look closer at investment implications from the political and economic shift we currently find ourselves in; and that story must begin with the dollar. While known to the investing public for years, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) recently acknowledge that the real risk-off / risk-on metric in global markets is the dollar and nothing else.

Israel Urges Jews To Leave France, Suspends "Working Ties" With Countries That Voted For UN Resolution

Israel Urges Jews To Leave France, Suspends "Working Ties" With Countries That Voted For UN Resolution

In an unexpected escalation that was not the result of Israel's angry response to Friday's UN vote which passed a resolution condemning the country's settlements on occupied Palestinian territory, and which the US refused to veto, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Monday called on French Jews to leave their country to protest a Paris-hosted conference planned for next month aimed at restarting Palestine-Israel peace talks, Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth has reported.

Avigdor Lieberman

US Interfered In Foreign Elections 81 Times In 54 Years

The U.S. has accused Russia of having “interfered” in the 2016 presidential election without providing any hard evidence. Yet, the US establishment who mainly backed Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump have interfered in presidential elections of other countries. There is well-documented evidence of interference with the elections of numerous foreign nations under the pretext of protecting or furthering US “interests” abroad. The US was found to have interfered in foreign elections at least 81 times between 1946 and 2000 – not counting US-backed military coups or regime change efforts.
