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Report Warns If US Abandons Syrian ‘Moderates’ They May Join ISIS

Thousands of armed ‘moderate’ groups in Syria could end up joining jihadist forces if the Trump administration abandons them, the Washington Post is warning. Fake news? The article seems to be raising a false alarm as these groups are already in bed together. The so called “moderate rebels” were previously vetted by the US to receive weapons via CIA channels.

Over Half Of East Aleppo Now Under Control Of Syrian Govt Forces

Syrian government forces have retaken more than half of the former rebel held stronghold of eastern Aleppo and are now in control of over 30 of the city’s neighborhoods. According to the Russian MoD the Syrian army is still successfully advancing in eastern Aleppo and have seized a neighborhood occupying three square kilometers over the past 24 hours.

Pentagon Chief: U.S. Must Stay In Iraq After ISIS Defeat

The US Secretary of Defense has said that the American military forces and its coalition allies need to stay in Iraq, even after the terrorist group ISIS has been defeated. Ashton Carter said terrorist groups were headed towards a lasting defeat but the US-led coalition, which has purportedly been striking Islamic State positions in Iraq since 2014, had to stay and keep training local security forces to ensure the group does not rise again Press TV reports: “But there will still be much more to do after that to make sure that, once defeated, ISIL stays defeated,” the Pentagon chief said.

After ISIS Machete Attack, Ohio Students Still Unable To Say The Word "Terrorist"

Just days after ISIS claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack at Ohio State University, perpetrated by their "soldier" Abdul Razak Ali Artan, student snowflakes across the campus remain cowering in their safe spaces of denial. As Rebel Media's Faith Goldy found, students were unable or unwilling to call the attack "terrorism" with one young man calling it a "misunderstanding."

Presented in stunned silence...
