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Putin Decides Not To Expel American Diplomats Following US Sanctions

Putin has decided not to expel US diplomats in reprisal for Washington’s recent sanctions. The Russian president said he would not be expelling US diplomats in a tit-for-tat response to the White House’s decision to send home Russian officials accused of spying. “The new unfriendly measures by the US administration are regarded as provocative, designed to further undermine relations,” Putin said in a statement on the Kremlin website. “We will not create problems for U.S. diplomats. We will not expel anybody,” Putin added in the statement on Friday.

Paul Craig Roberts Worries "What Is Henry Kissinger Up To?"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The English language Russian news agency, Sputnik, reports that former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is advising US president-elect Donald Trump how to “bring the United States and Russia closer together to offset China’s military buildup.” 

If we take this report at face value, it tells us that Kissinger, an old cold warrior, is working to use Trump’s commitment to better relations with Russia in order to separate Russia from its strategic alliance with China.

What is Henry Kissinger Up To? — Paul Craig Roberts

What is Henry Kissinger Up To?

Paul Craig Roberts

The English language Russian news agency, Sputnik, reports that former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is advising US president-elect Donald Trump how to “bring the United States and Russia closer together to offset China’s military buildup.”
