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Activists Infiltrate Government Crisis Actors Terrorism Drill

Activists have managed to infiltrate and film a mock bioterrorism drill in Texas, confirming the fact that the government use crisis actors in staged terrorist events. The video lends weight to claims by alternative media that ‘real’ terrorist incidents also use crisis actors pointing to the fact that they are actually false flag events. Officials from the Dallas County Department of Health and Human Services suspended the First Amendment once they discovered that activists were filming the top-secret military exercise, telling the activists “you don’t have rights”. reports: In late December, the local Dallas NBC station ran an article soliciting the public for volunteers to be part of the terrorism exercise to play the role of “patient.” “The fire department does frequent training so that we can be prepared for any emergency,” said Addison fire chief John O’Neil. “By Partnering with these other agencies, we are able to participate in exercises we could not possibly manage alone.” As an independent journalist, I took great interest in this event and believed that the public has a right to know how their own government is allocating resources and should be aware of how the drill was being conducted.  Shortly after entering the Loos Fieldhouse with camera [...]