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Iraq PM Claims Turkey Has No Intention To Fight ISIS

The Prime Minister of Iraq has issued a scathing attack on Turkey, claiming that they are faking their fight against ISIS. Haider Al-Abadi says that Turkey currently view their Kurdish population as a greater problem than ISIS, and that their vow to fight Islamic Militants alongside the West in Syria is a complete bluff. reports: “The Turks are telling us otherwise, (that) they’re eager to fight Daesh. But I’m telling them frankly, I’m not seeing evidence of that. I hope to see more evidence of that,” Al-Abadi said. “I think they have to shift their priority from considering the Kurds as their problem, to Daesh as their major problem. I think that the bombing of some targets inside Turkey by Daesh, that’s an alarm to them. They must take it seriously,” he later added. ISIS has claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack in Baghdad last week that killed at least 50 people. Istanbul also suffered a suicide bombing this month, which Turkish authorities blamed on the Islamic State. Turkey is also struggling to contain Kurdish insurgents and a massive influx of refugees from the conflict in Syria. Al-Abadi told CNBC that Turkey had extended its fight against the PKK, an [...]