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Israel Shoots Down Syrian Recon Drone Over Golan Heights

Early this morning, Reuters reported that Israel has intercepted and downed a Syrian reconnaissance drone approaching its northern border over Golan Heights.

The drone was shot down by the US-MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile (SAM) system...

Over the Golan demilitarized zone that has separated Israeli and Syrian forces since the ceasefire after the 1973 war.

Lauren Izso, news anchor, correspondent for i24NEWS in Jaffa Port provides footage of this mornings incident...

The official Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Twitter confirmed...

In another report, the IDF initially told Reuters it was a ‘Russian-manufactured’ UAV, but offered no evidence.

The military initially told Reuters the UAV was Russian-manufactured but offered no evidence. A military source later said it was unclear whether the UAV was indeed Russian-made.

Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Conricus, told Reuters “it was a reconnaissance UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) and not an attack UAV and we are checking whether there is any connection to Iran and Hezbollah”.

In response to the incident, “the State of Israel regards with utmost seriousness any violation of its sovereignty and will respond with force to any provocation,” made in a statement by Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liebermam.

Sputnik provides the backdrop of why tensions are high in ‘disputed Golan Heights’ between Israel and Syria,

Israel and Syria have attacked each other on numerous occasions over the disputed Golan Heights, which were partly seized by Israel during the Six-Day War in 1967; further gains were made by Israel as a result of the Yom Kippur War in 1973.


Meanwhile, the United Nations has repeatedly categorized Israel’s presence in the Golan Heights as an occupation, and called for the return of the territory to Syria.


The latest IDF attack on Syria occurred in September 2017, when the IDF attacked Syrian Arab Army forces in the province of Hama. However, the Israeli Defense Forces refused to comment on that incident.

This morning’s incident is not the first time. Back in September, Israel’s military shot down what it said was an ‘Iranian-made drone’ operated by Hezbollah over Golan. With the conflict in Syria, a spillover in fighting has occurred by both sides. Israel has carried out missions to stop Hezbollah from resupplying in Syria.

Bottomline: The complex web of who supports whom is starting to make sense. Israel is fighting Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group who supports Syrian President Bashar Assad. As the Saudis declare war on Lebanon and the Israeli-Saudi alliance grows, it seems as the Golan Heights region – is one area you should watch.