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Prince Warned Of 9/11 Attacks In 1998 And Predicted His Own Death

A bootleg recording of a Prince concert recorded in Germany on December 23, 1998 has surfaced in which the late singer makes reference to Osama bin Laden and “the terrible event that is about to happen in America.” The recording appears to show Prince predict the 9/11 attacks, some 3 years before they actually occurred. The video has been mysteriously and inexplicably removed from YouTube multiple times. reports: The sudden and untimely death of pop legend Prince (57) has sent shock-waves around the world, and while information is still emerging, I have uncovered something that both puzzles and disturbs me in equal measure. Last week Prince posted this cryptic message on his Instagram account: Now, I don’t know much about Instagram but obviously I do know a message posted from someone who is feeling at risk or in danger when I see one. And as seen in the image above, the cryptic comment states: “Just when u thought u were safe”. What is more troubling however, is the fact that the comment is no longer there – it has clearly been deleted. Prince, a Jehovah Witness, was outspoken against the corrupt political and corporate systems. Jehovah Witness believe that we live in a [...]