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Saudi Executions Followed Huge Arms Deal With U.S.

At the tail end of last year, just days before Saudi Arabia executed 47 people in one day , the US announced approval of more military contracts with the Gulf Kingdom. The executions caused international outrage and have increased tensions with Iran, due to the killing of revered Shia cleric, Sheik Nimr al-Nimr. RT reports: The New York Times Editorial Board condemned the executions: “America’s longstanding alliance with the House of Saud is no reason for the Obama administration to do anything less than clearly condemn this foolhardy and dangerous course with a more robust response than its call Monday for both sides to exercise restraint.” The latest contracts between the US and Saudi Arabia include US$24 million for Raytheon Company, $12 million to Advanced Electronics and millions more for Boeing’s laser air-to-ground weapons system. When President Barack Obama first announced the US$1.29 billion deal for 18,000 bombs and 1,500 warheads late last year, Amnesty International and other groups called on him to cancel them since this violated the UN Arms Trade Treaty, which forbids the sale of weapons when there is knowledge the weapons will be used against civilians. A bloody day in #SaudiArabia: Shia cleric #SheikhNimr among 47 [...]