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US Air Force’s Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon Can Destroy Electrical Grids

The US Air Force in collaboration with the world’s largest aerospace company, Boeing, have created an electromagnetic pulse weapon. The non-nuclear weapon can pinpoint buildings and wipe out entire electrical grids instantly without the collateral damage associated with bombs. Digital Trends reports: Known as the “CHAMP,” or Counter-electronics High-powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project, the American military project is an attempt to develop a device with all the power of a nuclear weapon but without the death and destruction to people and infrastructure that such a weapon causes. Theoretically, the new missile system would pinpoint buildings and knock out their electrical grids, plunging the target into darkness and general disconnectedness. CNN YouTube video: The project has been in the works for a few years now, and has met with significant success in preliminary trials. In 2012, it was reported that a CHAMP mission in Utah managed to hit and subsequently disable seven separate targets in one mission, demonstrating its accuracy and precision. Indeed, it is this capacity to target individual buildings and not cities at large that makes the new weapon so effective, as it would allow military members to cut off electricity supplies to enemy parties while keeping civilians out of [...]