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US Airstrike A Flagrant Violation Of Sovereignty Says Libya

Libya’s interim government has slammed US airstrikes on a suspected ISIS training camp saying that the unsanctioned bombardment was a grave violation of its sovereignty. US warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on an ISIS base in  in Sabratha western Libya on Friday, targeting a leader linked to last year’s beach massacre in Tunisia. It was reported that around 30 to 40 Islamic State recruits were killed as well as two Serbian embassy staff who had been abducted by ISIS. RT reports: Libya’s interim government issued a statement saying that it “strongly condemns the airstrikes carried out by the US Air Force at certain positions in the town of Sabratha on Friday morning, February 19, 2016, without any coordination or consultation with the interim Libyan government.” “Any interference, similar to the one that has taken place, will be considered an open and flagrant violation of the sovereignty of the Libyan state and international law,” the statement said. The interim government said that it values the foreign assistance it receives in the war on terror, but added that “any military or political interference into Libyan affairs should be performed in a legal way through parliament and the newly formed government.” [...]