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Is Ted Cruz The Zodiac Killer? 40% Of Public Think So

38% of residents in Florida have said that they believe Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz might be the infamous Zodiac Killer, in a new online poll published by Public Policy Polling.  Sunshine State residents had to answer a question over whether they think Ted Cruz is the infamous Zodiac Killer. The poll asked, “Do you think Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer, or not?” ten percent of voters said yes, and 28 percent said they were not sure. reports: About two-thirds of voters expressed confidence that the Texas senator is not the serial killer who terrorized Northern California in the Sixties and Seventies, killing as many as 37 people. Floridians aren’t alone in their confusion on this topic; one of the top search terms associated with the phrase “Is Ted Cruz…” is “Is Ted Cruz the Zodiac Killer?” Interest spiked in February of this year, but Twitter users have been demanding answers since speculation began in 2013. #CPAC Alert: Ted Cruz is speaking!! His speech is titled: ‘This Is The Zodiac Speaking’ — Red Pill America (@RedPillAmerica) March 14, 2013 Despite calls to put the rumors to bed once and for all, Cruz has not bothered to deny or even acknowledge them — perhaps [...]