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Hillary Clinton’s Top Donor Says She Would Be “Great” For Israel

Billionaire philanthropist and media tycoon Haim Saban has said that a United States led by Hillary Clinton would be “great” for Israel. American – Israeli Saban who is also one of Clinton’s top donors, made his remarks during an exclusive interview with The Jerusalem Post. They write: Saban declined to provide specifics on Clinton’s diplomatic policy for the region but said, “We have yet to see all of Hillary’s detailed positions, and I will not give anything away. However, one thing I know: Hillary will be great for Israel.” The billionaire philanthropist and media mogul, whose financial backing is seen as a crucial to Clinton’s candidacy, said, “Hillary has been a steadfast defender of Israel’s interests. She will be a fantastic president for the US, an incredible world leader and one under whom the relationship with the US and Israel will be significantly reinforced.” Saban also weighed in on the tense relations between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama. He acknowledged that tensions do exist, but said the cooperation between the two nations remains as strong as ever. “Ultimately, this isn’t the first time there has been tension between these two allies, and it likely won’t be the [...]