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Syrian Army Close To Seizing Full Control Of Ancient City Of Palmyra

The Syrian army is closer to regaining full control of the ancient city of Palmyra as ISIS militants are being pushed from the UNESCO heritage site. Syria state TV have reported that government troops have regained control of the Syriatel hill close to Palmyra’s castle and are a step closer to retaking the whole city, which has been under Islamic State control since May last year. Syrian army near Palmyra castle Syrian forces battled IS fighters on Saturday inside Palmyra under the cover of Russian and Syrian artillery fire. “The battle for Palmyra is in the final stages, as fighting is now inside the city itself,” a Syrian military source said. RT reports: Ruptly’s latest video footage shows units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) battling IS militants in and around Palmyra on Friday. The historical ruins of Palmyra are clearly visible from the position of Syrian mortar crews. Russian warplanes offered crucial support to the Syrian forces on the ground this week by carrying out 41 sorties and destroying 146 terrorist targets from Tuesday to Thursday, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. Russian warplanes offered crucial support to the Syrian forces on the ground this week by carrying out 41 sorties [...]