An 800lb (360kg) alligator, suspected of feasting on cattle, was killed by a farmer in Florida. The 15-Foot reptile was one of the biggest, professional hunter Lee Lightsey, had come across on his alligator farm in 18 years. He needed a tractor to pull the huge creature from a cattle pond on his land. The BBC reports: Mr Lightsey and hunting guide Blake Godwin discovered the alligator in cattle ponds while supervising a guided hunt on Saturday. When the creature surfaced about 20ft (6m) away from them, they shot it. “Although this animal is huge I was not that surprised it existed,” Mr Lightsey said. “We have come across lots over the last 20 years that have been only a little smaller. “But what really drew our attention to this animal was the fact that it seems to have been feasting on the cattle on my farm, because mutilated body parts were found in the water. It was a monster which needed to be removed.” Mr Lightsey’s company arranges hunts for alligators, wild boar and turkey on the farm he owns for hunting trips. The largest alligator previously killed was just over 13ft (4m) long. He charges $10,000 (£7,060; €8,780) to kill [...]