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Prominent Scientist Warns Mega Earthquake Will Hit US This Weekend

A prominent US geologist has warned that a powerful mega earthquake is due to strike the U.S. this weekend, due to the fact that a full moon this Friday is set to occur at the same time the San Andreas Fault is showing signs of earthquake activity.  Jim Berkland, a former US Geological Survey (USGS) scientist, once predicted the Loma Prieta quake, and has confirmed that mega quakes often occur during a new moon or full moon due to their gravitational effects on the Earth. Berkland decided to go public with his latest fears following the eight recent earthquakes that struck along south Asia and the pacific over the last 80 hours. reports: Mr Berkland predicted on October 13, 1989, an earthquake of magnitude 3.5 to 6.0 would strike San Francisco within the next week. Four days later on October 17 a magnitude 6.9 quake hit Loma Prieta in northern California. He now says 20 of the world’s last 25 mega quakes have happened during new or full moons. He is most concerned about the San Andreas Fault through California and the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which is further north along the coast of Oregon and Washington State. He says [...]