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U.S. Military Declare War On Hillary Clinton

A U.S. military General has called for Hillary Clinton to serve jail time after it emerged that names of CIA-protected agents were found on her private email server.  Former army General Jerry Boykin has accused Hillary of endangering lives, in an interview with Breitbart News Radio. The retired General said “What Hillary Clinton has done, I can tell you, it is … punishable by jail time. I think ultimately she’s going be indicted. She has to be. This cannot stand.” reports: It was previously reported that numerous names protected by “B3 CIA PERS/ORG” redactions had been exchanged by Clinton’s emails. That means those persons were being protected by intelligence — and had been identified on Clinton’s nonsecure server. “There are two very important principles associated with national security and the intelligence community,” Boykin said. “One is the protection of sources and methods. And the other one is called ‘the need to know.’ You don’t have access to information that you don’t really need to know about and you are responsible for protecting the sources that are used for the collection of intelligence and the methods that are used,” Boykin said. “Those are fundamental. They are, in fact, in statute.” Boykin said [...]