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Surge In Illegal Border Crossings Forces Officials To Open New Texas Housing Facility

Submitted by Joseph Jankowski via,

U.S. Immigration officials are currently so overwhelmed with an ongoing surge of crossings at the southern border that they have been forced to open a new temporary facility in Texas to accommodate for all the illegal alien border crossers.

Through November, border patrol has caught about 1,500 people crossing the southern border per day, a pace that is right in line with numbers from October.

According to MRCTV, Customs and Border Protection is currently housing about 41,000 illegal aliens in detention centers that typically accommodate between 31,000 and 34,000 people.

The new Texas facility will hold up to 500 additional people who illegally cross over the El Paso sector of the border. CBP would say in a statement:

The temporary facility – at the CBP Tornillo-Guadalupe Port of Entry in Tornillo, Texas, 40 miles east of El Paso – can hold up to 500 people and will be in place for 30 days, pending any changes in the volume of people arriving at the ports or crossing the border between the ports in the El Paso area until they are transferred to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).


..The temporary facility will offer overflow processing support to CBP’s ports of entry and Border Patrol stations in the El Paso area. CBP will process the Unaccompanied Alien Children and Family Units and once processing is complete, CBP will transfer them over to ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO). Due to ICE ERO constraints, some individuals may be required to stay in CBP processing for up to 72 hours.

Just in the month of October, CBP apprehended 46,197 illegal aliens who unlawfully crossed the Southwest U.S. border, including 13,124 members of family units and another 6,754 unaccompanied minors.

Shockingly, the number of family unit members apprehended in the first month of fiscal year 2017 is already 118 percent higher than those who were caught in October of last year.

While the U.S. Border Patrol has braced for this type of surge with the tough on immigration president-elect, Donald Trump, set to take over the White House in January, the agency has said it will push back against the directives of outgoing political appointees of President Obama and hold more people in detention in order to please the future Trump administration.

“You can expect to see CBP pushing back and holding those people,” Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, told LifeZette. “They’re going want to make it look like they’re in lockstep with [Trump] … We’re already seeing it now.”

According to Judd, career-level supervisors will be more worried about offending the incoming administration than the outgoing one.

“They have a new boss,” he said. “They know it. They need to endear themselves to him.”

The National Border Patrol Council endorsed Trump for president back in March, selling the next president in a letter as a break from “the perfect Washington-approved tone.”

“We need a person in the White House who doesn’t fear the media, who doesn’t embrace political correctness, who doesn’t need the money, who is familiar with success, who won’t bow to foreign dictators, who is pro-military and values law enforcement, and who is angry for America and NOT subservient to the interests of other nations. Donald Trump is such a man,” the union said in a statement.