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Vatican To Fire Priests Who Do Not Believe In Man-Made Global Warming

The Vatican have concluded man-made global warming is real and have threatened to fire priests who do not agree. The Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences has conducted a study which concludes that global climate change is real, and is as a result of human activity. reports: This is important to the Church because creation care is part of our mission. We are called to be stewards of creation. It’s also important because climate change can exacerbate the ills of poverty. Poor people in much of the world are the most vulnerable to changes. In the western, industrialized world, a drought means bottled water becomes more expensive. In the developing world, a drought means people starve and die. Unfortunately, the issue is politicized. In the late 1970s, when the issue threatened the financial interests of the fossil fuel industry, the political lobbies, chiefly in the United States, financed a massive political disinformation campaign to manufacture the illusion of dissent within the scientific community. We know because this manipulation of public opinion has been caught and documented. The fossil fuel industry funds nearly all of the climate change skeptics, going so far as to commission questionable studies, to financing think tanks, and [...]

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