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The Washington Post is very disappointed...


The Dow tried (and failed) 8 times...



Here is how Bob Pisani explained it...


VIX with a 10 handle could not get Dow to 20k...


It's been since The Fed hiked rates...


Small Caps ended the day red, Nasdaq surged...


On the week, Nasdaq soared (best week in a month, 2nd best week post-election)...


The Dow's moves were all USDJPY driven today as once again it was Buy The Fucking Payrolls Dip day...


Bear in mind that The Dow had gone nowhere since Nov 2014 until the election...


Notably S&P 500 (and Nasdaq) also broke to fresh intraday record highs...


All major S&P sectors closed green on the week with Healthcare (Biotechs) outperforming...


Gold is 2017's best performing asset for now...


The USD rallied today post payrols but was already moving higher as Yuan tumbled overnight... The USD Index closed the week unchanged...


Bonds sold off hard today but the entire curve (except 2Y) ended the week lower in yield, led by 30Y yields dropping 6bps to end the week perfectly at 3.00%


Crude closed the week lower with silver and gold outperforming...


One last thing...