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‘Disaster Poll’ Shows Clinton, Dems And Media Less Popular Than Trump

A new poll suggests people think President Trump tweets too much and has a bad temper, but his approval ratings are higher than opposition Democrats and the mainstream media that has united against him. The figures are ringing alarm bells in the Democrat camp, with D.C. insiders referring to the data as a “disaster poll.” A USA Today/Suffolk University poll, conducted in the first week of March, shows Trump’s approval rating at 47 percent, and his personal favorability at 45 percent. Sixty percent of respondents disapprove of his temper, and 59 percent think he tweets too much. While USA Today called Trump’s approval “a poor rating by historic standards,” the numbers looked even worse for his opponent in last year’s presidential election: Hillary Clinton recorded only a 35 percent approval rating, suggesting if the election were held again Trump would win in a landslide. The Democratic Party in general fared only marginally better than their discarded presidential candidate, recording a dismal 36 percent approval rating across the nation. Latest Suffolk poll should be a wake up call to Democrats — James C Mazareas (@Jamie_Maz) March 8, 2017 “This is a disaster. At a time when Donald Trump is the least liked president ever measured at [...]