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Roger Stone Jr Survives Assassination Attempt After Exposing Corrupt ‘Deep State’

Trump advisor Roger Stone survived an assassination attempt on Wednesday, amid rumors that his exposure of the Deep State’s plan to undermine Trump put him in dangers way. According to Stone, a mysterious dark tinted car collided into him, and insisted the collision “was no accident.” It is the second attempt on his life this year. Stone is one of the few Washington DC insiders willing to speak out against the Clintons, and has repeatedly called for Hillary Clinton to be prosecuted for mishandling classified emails when she was secretary of state. reports: Longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone said Wednesday that he was involved in a car crash in Florida. “Car I was in T-boned by large grey 4 door – dark tinted windshield – I was passenger side,” the colorful political consultant and former adviser to President Trump tweeted. Following the crash, Stone, who has recently been promoting his book on President Trump, spoke with Infowars’ Alex Jones, claiming, “It didn’t seem like an accident to me.” Stone also spoke with CBS Miami in Pompano Beach. “They just came at us full force,” he said. “I’m bruised but I’m okay.” Stone, a former aide to Richard Nixon who has been [...]