An insect expert has warned that mosquitoes which carry the Zika virus, have already been spotted in Britain. Biologist Howard Carter claims that the bugs were spotted in Kent and West Sussex, suggesting that the Zika virus could make its way to the UK. RT reports: Carter says he has seen the Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes near Chichester and in other areas of the British countryside. “They are here already and I have seen them myself north of Chichester in West Sussex. “I am aware of sightings on the Kent coast which have been reported to me so it is not a matter of if or when – they are here,” he said. He explained the mosquitoes have arrived in the country by nestling into the grooves of car tires, where they then lay their eggs in water trapped in the rims. Carter said they could also have traveled to Britain in stagnant water in container ships. “They are not here in any great numbers yet. But in my view it is only a matter of time before that becomes the case. “It may be a year or it may be 10 but it will be here because of global warming [...]