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The Plan To "Privatize" The Afghanistan War Doesn't Privatize Anything

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

Any time we hear the term "privatize" coming from the usual suspects in Washington, DC we should immediately be suspicious. When this word is used, there's usually precious little actual privatization going on.

Thus, we should regard the Trump administration's proposed plan to "privatize" the war in Afghanistan with extreme amounts of skepticism. 

USAToday reports:

Losing Ground In Flyover America, Part 2

Losing Ground In Flyover America, Part 2

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

There has never been a more destructive central banking policy than the Fed’s current maniacal quest to stimulate more inflation and more debt. That’s what is killing real wages and economic vitality in flyover America - even as it showers prodigious windfalls of unearned wealth on Wall Street and the bicoastal elites who draft on the nation’s vastly inflated finances.