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Near Broke Company Tells Investors To Stop Buying Its Soaring Stock

An obscure Danish penny stock company called Victoria Properties has a lot of investors, and its own management team, dumbfounded after it surged nearly 1,000% in just a matter of days and for no apparent reason whatsoever.  Per Bloomberg, the company invests in residential and retail real estate in Germany but a quick review of financials reveals minimal revenue, consistent cash flow burns for several years running, minimal assets and very little remaining cash.

Fukushima: Radioactive Salmon Discovered In Canada

Radioactive salmon due to Fukushima contamination has been discovered in British Columbia, Canada, by a team of research scientists from the University of Victoria.  Seaborne Cesium 123,  which is thought to be an indicator of nuclear contamination from Fukushima, was detected on the West coast of the US this month. reports: WHOI is a crowd-funded science seawater sampling project, that has been monitoring the radioactive plume making its way across the Pacific to America’s west coast, from the demolished Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in eastern Japan.