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National Rifle Association

Fusion GPS Founder Told Congress That Russians Had Infiltrated The NRA

Fusion GPS Founder Told Congress That Russians Had Infiltrated The NRA

Authored by Chuck Ross via The Daily Caller,

The co-founder of the opposition research firm behind the Trump dossier testified to Congress earlier this month that he believed Russian operatives have infiltrated the National Rifle Association.

Glenn Simpson, a founding partner of Fusion GPS, casually suggested in an interview with the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the gun rights group had been breached, a source familiar with the matter told The Daily Caller.

Gun Control Is Not A Winning Political Position

Gun Control Is Not A Winning Political Position

Authored by Duane Norman via Fre Market Shooter blog,

Late Sunday night into Monday morning, Stephen Paddock opened fire on a country music concert in Las Vegas, killing at least 58 and injuring at least 515.  At the time, my focus was on trying to figure out why Paddock went on his rampage, how he was able to commit such a heinous crime, and most importantly, showing some respect for those who lost their lives or were injured by yet another madman with a gun.

NRA Caves On "Bump Fire Stocks," Says They Should Be "Subject To Additional Regulations"

Following the tragic events in Las Vegas, which were seemingly made even worse by a product that most people didn't even know existed a couple of days ago, and ramped-up calls for new gun restrictions from Democrats, the National Rifle Association has just caved and called for "additional regulations" on "bump fire stocks" which effectively serve to allow semi-automatic weapons to function as fully-automatic. 

Here is the full statement from the NRA:

"We're Coming For You": AP Accuses NRA Of "Inciting Violence" Against Journalists

"We're Coming For You": AP Accuses NRA Of "Inciting Violence" Against Journalists

In a series of videos released earlier this month, the National Rifle Association declared war on mainstream media and their "globalists masters", a sign of the group’s transformation into an advocate for conservative causes beyond protecting the second amendment.

Predictably, the Associated Press is not happy. In a story about the new campaign - which debuted on the NRA’s NRATV, a web-video platform run by the association – the AP accused the NRA of employing dangerous rhetoric that risked inciting violence against journalists.
