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Why Saudi Arabia Has No Intention To End The Oil Glut

Why Saudi Arabia Has No Intention To End The Oil Glut

Submitted by Dwayne Purvis via,

In the geopolitical and oligopolistic global oil market, purely financial supply and demand has often been a secondary force, acting when it is allowed to act. It is the strategic behavior of the producing titans, not their talk or the slow-motion supply-demand balance, which has the real power to move markets. That is the case in the last two years and remains the case in 2016.

"It's A Bloodbath" - Dow Dumps 300 Points, US Equities At One-Week Lows

"It's A Bloodbath" - Dow Dumps 300 Points, US Equities At One-Week Lows

"Everyone is offside," exclaimed one trader we talked to, noting the swings in EURUSD and stocks have tagged stops everywhere. Dow futures are now down 300 points from Draghi highs with S&P futures breaking below the crucial 1980 trendline support. As the trader concluded, "it's a bloodbath."

Not what everyone was expecting...


Ramp is over...


Why US Automaker Stocks Are Underperforming (In 1 Simple Chart)

Why US Automaker Stocks Are Underperforming (In 1 Simple Chart)

Since the end of 2013, US automaker stocks have dramatically underperformed the market.

This bewildered many as auto sales surged on the back of easy credit and the entire industry was proclaimed a great success. However, the reason for the underperformance is simple - stock investors discount the future and with a mal-investment-driven excess inventory-to-sales at levels only seen once before in 24 years, they know what is coming next.



World's Largest Hedge Fund Appoints Hardware Engineer As Co-CEO

That the world's largest hedge fund, Ray Dalio's Bridgewater, just announced the appointment of an hardware engineer, even one as enlightened as former NeXT and Apple executive Jon Rubinstein, should tell you all you need to know about what is really going on in the "market."

Full announcement from Bridgewater:

Jon Rubinstein Joining as a co-CEO of Bridgewater
