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Spike In Airborne Radioactivity Detected In Europe, Source Located In Southern Urals

Spike In Airborne Radioactivity Detected In Europe, Source Located In Southern Urals

In late February, concerns about a potential nuclear "incident", reportedly in the vicinity of the Arctic circle, emerged when trace amounts of radioactive Iodine-131 of unknown origin were detected in January over large areas in Europe, according to a report by the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, the French national public expert in nuclear and radiological risks. And while Norway was the first to measure the radioactivity, France was the first to officially inform the public about it.

Hurricane Nate Heads For Gulf Coast: Goldman Projects Dramatic Refining Slowdown

Hurricane Nate Heads For Gulf Coast: Goldman Projects Dramatic Refining Slowdown

Confirming an earlier projection by Accuweather that showed Hurricane Nate will likely make landfall as a cateogry one storm somewhere between Louisiana and the Florida panhandle on Sunday, the NHC has issued a hurricane warning - the highest-priority of the agency's alert levels - for a broad swath of the Southern US stretching from Grand Isle Louisiana to the Florida-Alabama border.

JPMorgan Updates By-laws In Case Of "Nuclear Disaster" Or World War III

In the most bizarre news of the day, Bloomberg's Hugh Son noticed that in a late Thursday filing, the board of JPMorgan approved a series of revisions to the bank's by-laws, including a particularly notable one: a new section defining what constitutes a quorum in an emergency resulting from "an attack on the United States" or a “nuclear or atomic disaster.” That scenario is listed among emergencies that - understandably - might make it hard to hold a normal meeting for board members of America's largest bank.

Ominous Earthquake Swarm At Yellowstone Supervolcano Now One Of Longest Ever Recorded

Ominous Earthquake Swarm At Yellowstone Supervolcano Now One Of Longest Ever Recorded

The rumblings beneath the formerly dormant supervolcano known as the Yellowstone caldera just won't quit. And the ongoing earthquake swarm at the Yellowstone National Park supervolcano is now one of the longest ever recorded, having started on June 12.

Over the past three and a half months, almost 2,500 earthquakes have been recorded in the western part of the national park. This is on par with the biggest swarm ever recorded, where more than 3,000 earthquakes took place over three months, Newsweek reports.
