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Visualizing The Future Of Shipping: Green & Autonomous

Visualizing The Future Of Shipping: Green & Autonomous

Space travel may be exciting, and self-driving cars certainly get a lot of hype.

However, as Visual Capitalist's Jeff Desjardins points out, there remains a good argument that the world’s oceans – and the ships that roam them – often get overlooked when it comes to advances in transportation technology.

How will shipping change in the coming years, and what trends can we look to for guidance on the future of shipping?


US Spy Satellites Catch Chinese Ships Illegally Selling Oil To North Korea

US Spy Satellites Catch Chinese Ships Illegally Selling Oil To North Korea

According to South Korea's Chosun Ilbo, U.S. recon satellites have photographed around 30 illegal transactions involving Chinese vessels selling oil to North Korea on the West Sea in October. The images allegedly showed large Chinese and North Korean ships transacting in oil in a part of the West Sea closer to China than South Korea. The satellite pictures even showed the names of the ships.

India Unleashes Anti-Smog Cannon Against New Delhi's Disastrous Air Pollution

India Unleashes Anti-Smog Cannon Against New Delhi's Disastrous Air Pollution

Inhabitants of the heavily populated city of New Delhi, India are baffled why the government has strapped a cone-shaped water cannon to the back of a pick-up truck. Perhaps, their cognitive processes are slightly skewed these days, as apocalyptic smog blankets their region.

One politician said, “Delhi has become a gas chamber. Every year this happens during this part of the year” (See: “Delhi Has Become A Gas Chamber” – Apocalyptic Smog Causes Health Concerns For Millions).
